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Linas rectification units

At moment main commercial product of Linas Group is rectification units for atmospheric distillation of crude oil for production three or four oil products: straight run gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and black fuel.
All rectification units are based on Linas technology.

Based on market demand there are two main types of Linas rectification units:

   1. SMR-50 with capacity 50.000-65.000 MTY (around 1000-1300 BPD)


   2. SMR-150 with capacity 150.000 MTY (around 3000-3300 BPD)


Compare to conventional atmospheric distillation units Linas units do have several advantages:

  1. Highest yield of diesel oil because of smallest overlap fractions of gasoline and diesel oil. Enlargement of diesel oil is around 5-10% of total feed.
  2. Highest yield of light oil products without using direct steam.
  3. High quality of oil products directly from Linas tower without additional reboilers.
  4. No water coolers.

Serviceability of Linas towers and Linas units as a whole are checked up during 10 years of commercial operation under various kinds of feed at ambient temperatures from -47oC up to +40oC.
In practice Linas units separate crude oil with density from 0,800 g/cm3 up to 0,880 g/cm3, a gas condensate with density from 0,750 g/cm3 up to 0,790 g/cm3 and mixes of a gas condensate and crude oil in the diversified proportions with intervals of density from 0,770 up to 0,830 g/cm3.

Indeed Linas rectification units are attractive basis for mini refineries with capacity 50.000-600.000 MTY.

Basic version of Linas units is applied for production of three oil products:

    1. Straight run gasoline.
    2. Diesel oil.
    3. Black oil.

Modified version of Linas unit with additional kerosene module provides four products:

    1. Straight run gasoline.
    2. Kerosene.
    3. Diesel oil.
    4. Black oil.

Below conventional fraction composition of Linas straight run gasoline is presented:

    1. First drop - 33-40oC
    2. 10% of distillated material - 60-65oC
    3. 50% of distillated material - 95-105oC
    4. 90% of distillated material - 130-170oC
    5. The end of distillation - 150-195oC
    6. Rest of distillation - around 1,0-1,5 ml
    7. Density - around 0,700-0,730 g/cm3

Below conventional fraction composition of Linas straight diesel oil is presented:

    1. First drop - around 150-170oC
    2. 10% of distillated material - 185-190oC
    3. 50% of distillated material - 235-245oC
    4. 90% of distillated material - 330-335oC
    5. 95% of distillated material - 360oC
    6. Flash temperature of diesel oil is around 47-62oC
    7. Density - around 0,820-0,840 g/cm3

Black oil has flash temperature around 120-175oC and a density is around 0,920-0,935 g/cm3.




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